The clinical directorate within NICE are currently working on a NICE-wide position statement for social care

The clinical directorate within NICE are currently working on a NICE-wide position statement for social care

The clinical directorate within NICE are currently working on a NICE-wide position statement for social care, which will form the basis of all our work going forward within the sector.  We have been asked to collate feedback on specific questions (see below).  In order to ensure NICE is truly meeting the needs of the sector I am trying to get the views from a range of people and organisations that work within social care and I was hoping you may be able to help me from a London perspective.


– What NICE outputs have had the most impact/made the greatest difference in the social care sector?

– What unique value does NICE add in social care?

– What do we no longer need to do?

– What can NICE deliver that would be most useful to the system?

Please respond directly to Jade Stacey, details below.

Many thanks,

Jade Stacey –

Implementation Facilitator – NICE Field Team (London and South East region)

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence