LCAS Registered Manager meeting Wednesday May 8th – Recording & Presentations

LCAS Registered Manager meeting Wednesday May 8th

Recording & Presentations

Navigating Employment Law: Key changes for 2024


Recording of the meeting

Navigating Employment Law recording

From Citation, Dominic Cooper, a lawyer specialising in employment issues. 2024 is shaping up to be a year of unprecedented employment law change – including changes to holiday pay, flexible working and the introduction of new rights such as Carer’s Leave. Learn how you can be prepared.

LCAS RM Meeting 8 May – Employment Law Updates – Dominc Cooper Citation

Risk Assessment template as discussed by Mick Feather – Citation

Citation Generic Risk Assessment Template

John Buttle from Social Works

changes to training funding (WDF)

To contact Social Works 020 7277 9117

Any issues, please contact

Peter Webb 07956878901


Dudley Sawyerr 07984466130