Data Security and Protection (DSPT) Toolkit for Social Care 2022-23 & National Data Opt-Out: Compliance required since 31 July 2022

Data Security and Protection Toolkit for Social Care 2022-23

The Data Security and Protection Toolkit (DSPT) is the official self-assessment tool on data protection and cyber security for social care. Care providers should complete the toolkit at least once a year, and they must use it if they wish to access NHS patient information systems. There are some changes to the DSPT for 2022-23.

The Better Security, Better Care programme is running a series of regular webinars on how to complete the toolkit, what support is available to care providers, and what has changed since 2021-22.

The first session on 31 August is a quick guide to what’s changed  

Future sessions from 7 September onwards cover using the DSPT for the first time and reviewing and republishing the DSPT.

All of the webinars are free of charge and can be booked via the Digital Social Care website.

National Data Opt-Out: Compliance required since 31 July 2022

All CQC-registered care providers that receive any public funding are required to comply with the National Data Opt-out since 31 July. All care providers must: check if they process confidential patient information for purpose other than delivery of care, and update their policies, procedures and privacy notices to reflect the National Data Opt-Out.

If a care provider does use identifiable, confidential patient information for planning or research purposes, they must check if any clients have opted out of sharing their data in this way. If they have, the provider must stop using their data.

See Digital Social Care’s short guide to the National Data Opt-Out