A new survey has been published on Change.NHS.uk focussing on ideas that have emerged from the engagement process to develop the 10 Year Health Plan.
To help finalise the Plan, we are seeking views on the emerging ideas from the engagement so far. Our new questionnaire asks for insights on people’s individual preferences as staff and potential patients.
Any help partners can provide to increase the number of responses we get is very gratefully received. Please find the link to the survey page below:
The survey will close on Friday 14 April.
After this, the activities on the Change NHS website will close as we finalise the development of the Plan.
Further information is available below.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact 10yearplan@dhsc.gov.uk
Thanks again for your support.
DHSC External Affairs
Further information: Your priorities for change
We launched Change NHS to have the biggest conversation on the future of the NHS – and with over 100,000 contributions to the engagement to date – we’re doing just that. Thank you for all your help so far – for sharing your expertise, for using the workshop in a box to run engagement with your communities, and for promoting the engagement to ensure we hear from people across England. We are now seeking your support in the next phase of engagement, the priorities for change.
We have had over 1,600 partner responses, over 10,000 people have attended one of more than 600 community engagement workshops across the country, and we’ve had over 1.5 million visits to the Change NHS website.
We’ve heard about the pride that patients and staff have in the NHS, but we’ve also heard the hard truths. Where too often patients can’t get a GP appointment easily, people are waiting too long to get the treatment they need, and where staff don’t have what they need to provide the high-quality care they want to give.
The Government has already taken action to deliver 2 million more appointments meaning that waiting lists are starting to come down, but we know that there is much more to do. The 10 Year Health Plan will set out from day 1 how we will fix the underlying problems set out in Lord Darzi’s independent report that said the NHS was in ‘critical condition’. This will set out how we can achieve the three shifts – hospital to community, analogue to digital, and sickness to prevention. If we get this right, we can deliver what we’ve heard matters most – supported staff, shorter waits, quicker treatment and better care.
Now, to help us finalise the Plan, we need to get views on the emerging ideas from the engagement so far. Please share the new priorities for change survey with your communities, where you and your staff can also have your say. We need to hear views by 14 April. After this, the activities on the Change NHS website will close as we finalise the development of the Plan.
We look forward to continued engagement with partners to share emerging insights and ensure you can continue to input into the Plan’s development.
External Affairs | Communications Directorate
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