April is Stress awareness month: Did you know? A whopping 11 million working days are lost per year due to stress, depression, and anxiety!

April is Stress awareness month:

Did you know? A whopping 11 million working days are lost per year due to stress, depression, and anxiety! Employees have never faced so many pressures, and it is employers’ responsibility to protect their employees. To help, the experts of London Care & Support Forum, Citation, have created a dedicated FREE guide to stress risk assessments: https://tinyurl.com/lcasstressapr2

One of the most important ways employers can deter workplace stress is by conducting a stress risk assessment. Like completing a risk assessment for a new piece of machinery or task, employers are legally obliged to risk assess for workplace stress.

We want to help you tackle stress and ensure you create the best possible working environment for your employees.

To help, our Health & Safety experts have put together a free guide to stress risk assessments.

Stress awareness month: must-read free guide on stress risk assessments

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) report that 11 million working days are lost per year due to stress, depression, and anxiety. Across April, stress awareness month aims to raise awareness of the damaging impact stress has on both employees and businesses.

One of the most important ways employers can deter workplace stress is by conducting a stress risk assessment. Like completing a risk assessment for a new piece of machinery or task, employers are legally obliged to risk assess for workplace stress.

This beginner’s guide from the experts of London Care & Support Forum, Citation, will take you through the essential need-to-knows about tackling workplace stress, including:

  • What are stress risk assessments?
  • Who is at risk of workplace stress?
  • Why are stress risk assessments so important?
  • What are some common sources of workplace stress?
  • What are the signs of stress?

Get 12-months FREE access to our Employee Assistance Programme

If you join* Citation before 29 April 2022, we’ll give you FREE 12-months access to our Employee Assistance Programme – an exclusive Citation offer to celebrate Stress Awareness Month.

FIND OUT MORE: https://www.citation.co.uk/eap-offer-april-2022/?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=lcas&utm_campaign=partner_2022stressapr

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If you’d like to chat about how Citation can help with the HR and Health & Safety side of your business, just give them a call on 0345 844 1111, or fill in their call-back form and they’ll get right back to you.

*T&Cs apply: https://www.citation.co.uk/eap-offer-april-2022/?utm_source=partner&utm_medium=lcas&utm_campaign=partner_2022stressapr