World Menopause Day– 18 October

World Menopause Day– 18 October

October is World Menopause Month and the 18 October specifically is World Menopause Day. The aim is to raise awareness, break the stigma and highlight the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. Research shows 1 in 4 women consider leaving their job due to menopause symptoms (British Menopause Society, 2022).

The British Menopause Society are launching a programme to dispel menopause misinformation and talking to employers about best-practice menopause policies which you can access here.

Keeping Well NWL service have a dedicated women’s health website page where staff can find a range of free resources, webinars and signposting support.

Learn more about World Menopause day here.

Keeping Well North West London

Phone: 0300 123 1705



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