Pandemic stories – share yours with the UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Pandemic stories – share yours with the UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Dear All,

The London Care & Support Forum is joining with the Care Association Alliance to encourage everyone in the care sector to share their pandemic stories, via the UK Covid-19 Inquiry’s campaign.

The Covid-19 pandemic had an unprecedented impact on those working in and drawing on adult social care services. Every story does matter. Sharing our experiences – be that from staff or recipients of care – will help shape the understanding of what happened, and help to bring about some positive change.

The Inquiry’s public hearings for their investigation into the care sector, will begin in summer 2025. Those with involvement in the care sector can share their story any time, but sharing stories before the 19th of July will ensure they formally feed in to investigations ahead of the care sector module in early 2025.

How can we share our story and encourage others to do so?

Sharing your story online:

Anyone can share their story at the UK Covid-19 Inquiry’s dedicated platform here:

Encouraging others to share their stories: Social media and printed materials

You can download the official images from the Every Story Matters campaign – these are simple pictures highlighting how important it is for the care sector to share our stories, and how to do so.

These can either be printed and handed to people directly, or used as posters, or shared online via social media or other communication channels.

You can download the images here:

Password is: iWrcmECoJJp3

More information about the UK Covid-19 Inquiry

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is the public inquiry set up to examine the UK’s response to the pandemic and its impact. The Inquiry is independent from the government and completely impartial.  Their Every Story Matters platform is available to everyone to share their experiences, anonymously if they wish, to shape the investigation and help make a difference.

The Inquiry would like to hear from recipients of care and all carers, whether those operating in the sector or those providing unpaid care within the community. Together, we can ensure that pandemic experiences are recognised, valued, and used to inform policies that better support carers and those they care for.

Why should I share my story?

The Inquiry wants to hear from as many people as possible, from different communities throughout the UK.

They know that some experiences are painful to talk about, and sometimes it’s difficult thinking back, but the Inquiry needs to hear from you. Your individual story is valuable, it does matter. And sharing it will help the Inquiry better understand how Covid-19 affected us all – and what could be done if it happens again.

Help is available if you need it

Sharing your story may trigger some difficult feelings and emotions. If you need help, please

visit: for a list of support services.

If you’d like any more information or support to share this with your community, please contact