NHSE and adult social care services prepare for busy winter period

NHSE and adult social care services prepare for busy winter period

On Monday (16 September), NHS England warned that urgent and emergency care services are likely to come under “significant pressure” and many patients will face longer waits for care during the coldest months.

In a letter from NHS England, systems have been asked to ensure all services work together to ensure patients are cared for in the safest possible place and treated as quickly as possible.

This includes having front door assessments for patients to ensure they are signposted to the right place for their needs, including dedicated fall services for older people, as well as regular board and ward rounds throughout the day, and timely discharge for patients who are medically fit to leave hospital.

NHS trusts have also been asked to focus on patient safety and experience, maintaining consistent high standards of care, only using temporary escalation spaces in periods of elevated pressure and always escalating to an appropriate member of their board.

In addition, on Tuesday (17 September), Minister Kinnock wrote to chief executives of local authorities and directors of adult social services setting out the government’s priorities for improving service resilience in the short term, ahead of and during the winter period. In the letter, Minister Kinnock outlined that the guiding priorities would be similar to those underpinning longer-term reform and that close partnership working between adult social care, the NHS and community partners would be vital to their delivery.

NHS Announcement: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2024/09/nhs-announces-plans-to-prepare-for-busy-winter-period/

NHS Letter: https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/winter-and-h2-priorities/

Adult Social Care Letter: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/adult-social-care-winter-letter-2024-to-2025/adult-social-care-winter-letter-2024-to-2025