Need a helping hand with your Health & Safety?

Need a helping hand with your Health & Safety?


New Health and Safety Executive figures show that workplace fatalities have risen to 135 in 2022/23 – compared to 123 last year. The HSE are likely to be cracking down on Health & Safety in businesses across the country, so we wouldn’t be surprised if you are feeling the pressure.

But life can be so much easier with Citation – you’ll save time, money and stress. And to make it even better;

Citation clients are:

  • 13x less likely to face a tribunal claim from their employees.
  • 75% less likely to have a reportable accident in the workplace.
  • 47x less likely to face an enforcement notice from the HSE.
  • 7x less likely to face a major injury in the workplace.

(versus UK/national averages, 2021/22)

Kings Court, Water Lane,

Wilmslow, SK9 5AR