

FluCare is a National Institute for Health and Care Research funded project exploring whether offering a package to encourage staff to receive their flu vaccine in the care home can increase uptake of the vaccine. To help the study understand the whether the FluCare package works, some homes will receive the FluCare package and others will not. All participating homes will receive £500 to cover the costs of the time spent taking part and providing information for the researchers, whether they are chosen to receive the FluCare package or not. More information on www.flucare.co.uk. See also the attached flier (below).

To take part, your care home must:

  • Be a residential or nursing care home in England
  • Be providing care for people aged 65 and older
  • Have ten or more staff members of any role
  • Have a flu vaccination rate of less than 40% (from the 2021/22 flu season)

FluCare Flier v1.0 5may22