ENERGY & BILLS – update

Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSS AF)

This scheme will provide £400 payments to households without a direct relationship to a domestic energy supplier. We expect the online portal to launch on Monday, with comms being issued by government on that day. There is currently a page on the government website being used by LAs piloting this scheme – you may want to take a look to get an idea of the likely process for people to apply and what information will be required: The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (NZBI) has refused to allow bulk uploads from care settings, as they want LAs to check each individual application due to concerns about fraud. We think that some of the people you support may need help to complete the application, if eligible. There should also be a call centre going live for those without internet access.

Tthe final version of the guidance will be available on Monday.

Alternative Fuel Payment Alternative Fund (AFP AF)

This scheme provides £200 to households who use alternative fuels such as heating oil, LPG, coal or biomass. The vast majority of those eligible should have started receiving payments through their electricity supplier. For those who do not have a direct relationship with an electricity supplier, they will be able to apply for £200 using a similar portal to one for the EBSS AF which will also go live on Monday.

Energy Case Studies

We are working with a number of other trade associations from a number of sectors to make the case for more support around energy bills from the Treasury. We may be contacting members in the next week or two asking for case studies about the impact of rising bills over the last 18 months and what you project them to be post April as well as whether the Energy Bills Discount Scheme will make any tangible benefit.

If you have experienced a huge hike in your energy bils, please contact us with details.