CPA FAQs for Fair Cost of Care Exercises
A number of different FAQs and guidance have been published to help providers with the exercises:
- CPA and CHIP, in consultation with DHSC, have put together responses to the most common questions received from LAs, care providers and partners.
- Guidance on how providers report their Return on Capital and Return on Operations. For those using the iESE CareCubed national tool, you will report ROO and ROC separately, for those using the National ARCC (LGA/ADASS) Domiciliary Care tool, you will report ROO and ROC jointly, and excluding rent which is allowed to within the Overhead Section (J).
- For home care providers using the ARCC tool, further guidance has been provided to assist providers and ensure accurate information is submitted:
- For care homes who are registered to use the iESE tool, updates have been made and you should have received a note to explain what you have to do.
- If you have not yet participated in the exercise or registered to provide data, you can do so, and review helpful support materials and guidane by clicking here.